Friday, May 11, 2007

Next Step: Packing!

We are in disbelief that we leave US soil in under 3 weeks. We are a few finals away from summer... and for us summer means concentrating on the important things in life; like living in Africa with the cutest kids in the world. Sara and I are slowly beginning to realize how impossible packing for this trip is going to be. Even if we share all toiletries, shoes and some clothes we will be unable to pack everything we want. Not because we're planning on bringing our entire wardrobes; complete with matching accessories, purses and fuzzy sweaters; but because God continues to bless us with things the orphanage needs. Our moms have found an abundance of children's clothing and shoes to bring to the kids at LCW. Somehow, I don't think that our limit of two 50 lb. bags will suffice, unless we bring the bare minimum for ourselves.

I think this looming challenge of packing for a 10-week trip will be a good exercise in materialism. Why bring 20 t-shirts and 8 pairs of pants when Sara and I are both extremely skilled in doing laundry? What is the point of us trying to live comfortably for 10 weeks while taking away from the opportunity to clothe God's children? There is no point. I hope that we would become selfless in this activity, putting others before ourselves and literally giving them the shirts off our backs.

Easier said than done, right? Although I've been told that with the proper rain gear anyone can survive a South African winter. No one needs to know what's underneath the coat and rain slickers ;)

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