Monday, July 16, 2007

borders, bakkies and the bush

We've made it back from Mozambique! To get us there, it took us 3 days driving through South Africa, Zimbabwe and Mozambique to get to Maforga Mission Station; just outside the city of Chimoio for all you geography lovers. Although getting up at 4am and driving for 18 hours a day for multiple days in a row squished 3-across in the back of a double cab truck (aka a bakkie pronounced 'bucky') might not sound so ideal... I can tell you it was more than awesome. The landscape was different from anything I have ever seen before and it changed so rapidly. I kept a lookout for big game while we drove past all the game reserves, but no one spotted anything larger than kudu and springbok. We did see hippo heads bobbing in a river, though. And I think I spotted the inspiration for Pride Rock in "The Lion King". It was great to see so much of Southern Africa just by driving through it with my eyes open.

Not only did we get to see Mozambique, Zimbabwe and South Africa, we've got the proof that we've been there. Praise God for passport stamps and visas at the borders! Our passports have been decorated with 2 more visas and 8 more stamps just from our drive. Man are we cool! We were very fortunate to have smooth border crossings that didn't take more than an hour (which is short comparable to what it could be driving through African countries) .

So I'm less coherent than I thought I was. Check back soon for more updates and pictures from our time in Mozambique. Long story short, we're safely back in South Africa.

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