I came, I saw, I understood.
I now know what it looks like to live a life of poverty, and watch God provide for every need. Ever since God opened my eyes to the world I have felt drawn to live amongst the poorest of poor and rely on God for everything.
I can rely on God when things get tough. I can ask for God’s strength when mine runs out and have the faith that I can carry on under God’s care. I can pray for miracles when I know that the only way to fix a situation is with a godsend. What about when I’m back in Madison? When things aren’t tough? When I’m not struggling or tired or weak? When I can do things with my own strength, no miracles necessary?
I have seen how God provides, and how people rely on Him to provide enough food for the day. I have seen God work miracles. I have learned what it looks likes in my life to have the raw faith in Christ that He will provide… but only when I cannot provide for myself. How do you rely on God when life seems peachy and good? When I am not in a situation that requires more strength than I physically can give I find myself doing things by myself, for myself. My strength and God’s strength are disconnected, when I should always find my own strength in His.
I'm looking for that raw faith every single day in life. I believe it starts with recognizing that God is truly in control of everything, and He has given me everything that I need, even if it doesn't always look like that.
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