Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Coming Home

Just a quick thought. Life Community Welfare has started to feel like home. Sometimes we leave for the day to regain our sanity and patience so we can better serve the children with cheerful attitudes. It’s completely necessary and we look forward to our days off, but what’s even better than our time away is the time we come home. Sometimes we can see the kids playing in the yard as we drive up and they come running to the gate to let us in. when they do, Sara has to maneuver through a maze of children to pull in and park. All of them excitedly open our doors to give us huge hello hugs. They always want to know if we’re back for good, because they really like it when we’re home to spend time with them. Can you sense a pattern of hugging? I think we like the love just as much as the kids do. They are so genuine in their love, and they can forget about the times when we discipline them with time-outs to embrace us with sincere joy. Isn’t there a life-philosophy about free love? Well then call me a hippie, because the love is free flowing through the children at LCW and I cherish every moment of it.

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