Tuesday, June 26, 2007


(In Response to the post titled "The Bad")

My sister loves the name of Grace. For good reason, it is a beautiful name and is the center of Christian faith. Though I did not physically meet a Grace, I was faced with it multiple times this week. Long story short I got the quote for the accident (for fixing the other car) and it was a little over $500. I fully understand that for car repair, that is on the low end but $500 dollars to me feels like a couple of thousand. I had yet to have any emotional breakdowns from the incident until I got the fax. My mistake now had a price tag attached to it. And that sucks. For the record tears don’t make money appear or erase a mistake, but I sure tried.

Lana, the other driver, called me the next day and asked if I got the fax and asked what I thought. I replied that it looked good and that I would get her the money as soon as possible. She asked if it looked a bit expensive and I tried to cover up my “YES” and said, “yea, but looks reasonable for what needs to be done and it was my mistake so I will pay you it in full.” [here’s where grace comes in] She replied, “Well, my husband and I have been talking about it and we decided that we’d like to help out. We know it was an accident and will pay for half.” Wow. I was amazed. A perfect stranger that I had caused discomfort and inconvenience to, was willing to drop 250 for me. Wow, what a small glimpse and reminder of God’s grace to us daily.

Another face of grace was demonstrated to me by the owner of the car that I drive, Alistair. To put it lightly I was shaking in my boots to admit to him that I had driven his car into an accident. I called him and explained the situation to him and after asking if everyone was okay he said, “well it doesn’t sound too bad, I’m glad no one got hurt”. Wow. Again I am humbled by people’s overwhelming grace to me when I am vulnerable and in fault.

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